The Yoga as Therapy Session

Based on the results of the assessments during the Initial Consultation and Evaluation Session, Heather designs a completely customized and deeply therapeutic treatment plan for your unique needs.

Understanding these needs at every stage of your program is of paramount importance. Your needs may change during the course of your treatment and meeting you precisely where you are at, with each and every session, will ensure that your goals will be addressed safely and accurately.

At the midway junction point during the course of your yoga as therapy treatment plan, usually 3 to 4 weeks after your initial yoga as therapy session, an exciting (and very popular) artistically crafted, emotional well-being project is implemented. This profound body of work is a major game changer as it reveals aspects of yourself that are empowering, often providing the necessary clarification needed to accomplish the intentions and desires you set out to achieve!

In addition, an exquisitely crafted “Homework” program will be assigned following each Yoga as Therapy session~ as well as strategizing techniques to easily incorporate into your busy lifestyle. This will ensure lasting results, long after your Yoga as Therapy sessions have ended.

The duration of the Yoga as Therapy Sessions truly depends on the concerns, goals and aspirations of each client. While some clients feel that they have achieved their intentions in pain management and relief within four to six weeks, others prefer to have a more in-depth approach.

Whatever your aspirations are in pain management and relief, these sessions are completely designed to build off of one another to achieve balance and bring harmony into your life ~ as we cross the finish line of your personal goal accomplishment together!

A SOAP Note will be provided following each Yoga as Therapy Session for you, as well as for your medical team of physicians, surgeons, mental health professionals and physical therapists.

In Person Session – $175.   1 Hour
Zoom Session – $158. (10% Discount)  1 Hour

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The Partner Yoga as Therapy Session

Life gets busy. So busy, in fact, that we rarely have time to sit down with our significant other, let alone spend much needed quality time in the enjoyment of the company of the one that we love. Demanding jobs, family obligations, community programs, extra-curricular activities, carpools, traffic and household projects leave very little time, if any at all, to harness and cultivate fulfilling relationships. In the struggle to accomplish more, expending most of our energy, we often find ourselves depleted and exhausted at the end of the day, simply needing a good nights’ rest. We collapse into bed and there goes another day, another week, another month, another year. It could take years to notice that our significant other has aged or simply is not around very much anymore. They, just like you, need time for playful interaction and safe, authentic communication. If this situation sounds all too familiar, then perhaps it is time to reconnect with your partner in a safe and deeply respectful, enjoyable manner.

In this two-hour session, couples will begin to reacquaint themselves with their partner. They will also begin to discover an aspect of one another that they may have never even known existed- in a safe, nurturing, non judgemental and deeply serene environment. They will delve into the sacred space that united them in the first place and rediscover the very special, nurturing bond that has sustained their relationship thus far. Equally important to acknowledge is that just because a relationship changes, it does not necessarily mean that it has to end. Understanding these subtle changes will harness the field of infinite possibilities for your relationship to flourish in unimaginable ways.

This session is also ideal for couples just beginning their journey together, laying the foundation of transparency and trust that will nourish their commitment to ensure that they both arrive safely in the field of pure potentiality within their new relationship.

The session includes two yoga mats, two bath towels, two exquisite strands of yoga beads, two Blueberry Hill Yoga Therapy journals, two Blueberry Hill Yoga Therapy pens, one Blueberry Hill Yoga Therapy pillar candle and one hardcover book of poetry written by the 13th century sufi poet, Rumi.

In Person Session – $630.    2 Hours
Zoom Session – $567.  (10% Discount)   2 Hours

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The Yoga as Therapy Package Sessions

The Yoga as Therapy sessions designed by Heather become quite beneficial and effective. Sometimes clients may want to have several sessions each week for an extended period of time or may simply wish to gift these sessions to a loved one. Attaining long-term goals may have provided a client with tremendous inspiration as they witnessed the transformation taking place in their body and in their life. They may wish to continue on with these sessions to maintain their new sense of self mastery. Choosing the package sessions might be something to consider as there is a savings of $500.00!

$1250. 10 One Hour Yoga as Therapy Sessions
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